Saturday, April 29, 2006

"I'm going to in a second"

"I'm going to in a second". Thats what Sam said tonight, after I went in to get him his blanket that he was crying for. I said, "lie down Sam and go to sleep", which elicited the above reply.

I'm playing single Dad this weekend, while Bethany is down in Florida for Grampa Ted's funeral. Sam was a really good boy today--super cooperative with everything we did, including napping (thats been a struggle the last while). We did lots of garage sales this am, and a couple of trips to Stop and Shop (one to get cash for garage sales, one to actually shop).

Sam made out like a bandit at the garage sale (2nd big weekend for it this season). Couple new cars and dinosaurs, a huge Spiderman, couple of new books. He is lately into dinosaurs--not sure what brought that on, but he has quadrupuled his collection in the last couple of weeks.

Sam was really good at bedtime tonight, for the first time in about a week. I think when Bethany and I both put him to bed, he tries to 'play us'.

I felt bad at the end of the day--I guess I was doing a lot of combining productive activity with things that are fun for Sam. (He played independantly for about 30 minutes before dinner while I cleaned the house and kitchen, and even vacuumed). Anyhow, after dinner I said we could go out to play, but lets go for a little walk first (to take the recyclables and garbage out). Sam got somewhat indignant and said "No, I just want to play outside, I do not want to go for a walk anywhere". It was just as well. We wound up playing outside with John, John-John, Logan and Samantha--they were kicking the ball around in the dog-poop patch. Just as well that I didn't try to put Sam to bed, as they were using the side of our house as the 'goal' at one point.

We were in Toronto 2 weeks ago for Passover. Sam had a good time playing with his cousins. He seemed to bond a little more with Evan this time, whereas last visit in July, he and Noah were fast friends. I think Noah was playing a little more independantly this year, and didn't have patience for Sam tagging along. Evan, however, will probably be a teacher or something like that when he grows up. He was really good with Sam, and was very concerned that Noah and Sam take turns when playing.

Nonetheless, Sam and Noah still made for the cutest pictures!

Sam is turning into quite the flyer. He took all the airport stress in stride and without a peep on both legs of the trip. He was so good on the airplane too. I liked having him as my seatmate.

Sam's been really difficult for me at daycare dropoff the past couple of weeks. Every time, with the clinging to my neck and then crying when I leave. I know he stops a minute or two after I'm gone, but it still bothers me.

He continues allowing me to listen to Pete and Bruce in the car. We've mostly been doing the Bruce thing lately. I've had disk 1 of 'Tracks' in the car for a couple of weeks now. It has acoustic versions of a few songs (Is this Growing Up, daddy?); as well as a couple of other songs that he likes. He finds it hilarious when I whistle along to the start of 'Seaside Bar'.

The other day in the bath, he quietly started singing "Scatterbrain, scatterbrain, watch out where you fall (the 2nd line in a whisper). It took me a minute to recognize it, as an obscure line from 'Bishop Danced'. No idea why he picked that line to like and remember. Nothing like seeing and hearing the world through your child's 'eyes' (or ears in this case).

Bethany got me the new Bruce Seeger Sessions CD this week, to make up for me having to miss his concert due to her back ache. Sam so far likes Jesse James the best, mostly becuase there is a boy in his class named Jesse (he actually squealed in delight "Bruce said Jesse"). Sam is lessed impressed with Erie Canal and Froggy Went a Courtin', which was kind of surprising, since he knows those songs from Laurie Berkner.