Friday, August 17, 2007

Happy Birthday Sam!

Sam bear. Today you turned four. What a big boy you are. You are changing so quickly, it hardly seems possible you entered our life four short/long years ago. You are the best son a daddy could hope for. I love your laugh and your smile. You are developing a good sense of humor, and you care for others. You are so good with your sister, and I look forward to watching you two grow up together. You are adventurous and willing and excited to try new things, even if you are nervous at first. Thats OK, Daddy's like that too. You like to watch others when you enter a room, before you decide who you will play with. Your friends like you, and its cute that they call you 'the Mayor' at camp. You are can run and ride your bike so fast. You jump so high. Camp has taught you to be good at soccer and also basketball and swimming too, of course. I love playing with you in the pool, and can't wait until next summer. Maybe we will race, and I'm sure you will win if we do! You give the best hugs and kisses and I miss you during the day when you're doing your thing. I'm looking forward to the next two weeks before school starts. We will have some good quality time together, and do lots of fun things. I love how your face lights up when you get to do something you want, even if its something as silly as being allowed to have an orange tic tac. You are cute with your TV shows. Even though I'm up with you an hour earlier than I would choose, its worth it to see your enjoyment from Charlie and Lola, JoJo's circus (that song was going through my head all day today!), Wiggles, Higglytown, Little Einstein's, Curious George, Dragon Tales, and even Sesame Street and Clifford sometimes. Thanks for letting me lie on the couch until its 7. You are becoming a good eater...willing to try most things, and willing to put up with Daddy insisting that you eat something healthy with each meal, even if its not exactly what you want. You are learning to 'roll with the punches', like when Amelia changed how your room is set up, and when you started camp and had a different routine, didn't know anyone, and then had Mommy and Daddy and Tali go away your first week. We were so proud of you for dealing with it and having a great time at camp anyway. I'm looking forward to watching you grow and learn over the next year. How big is my baby boy...SO BIG!!!.

I love you so much Sam. Happy Birthday weekend. I'm looking forward to your parties this weekend with the family and your friends.


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